Wednesday, March 11, 2009


Happiness - I guess I have been finding that for the past 6 months..hehehe...

Actually...what is my aim through blogging on Purusharthas??

True meaning of life?

Perhaps I should begin with the definition of Purusharthas.

Purusharthas according to shastra is Goals of Human Life...

The Hindu tradition defines to be Dharma (ethics), Artha (securities), Kama (pleasures) and Moksha (liberation) as to be the goals. These four basic pursuits can be further subdivided into two sets. The first set, consisting of the pursuit of Artha and Kama, is shared in common with other living beings. The second set, consisting of the pursuit in accordance to Dharma, and the pursuit of Moksha, is unique to humans. In Tamil, the four purusharthas are known as Aram, Porul, Inbam and Veedu as stated in the Tirukkural.

Interesting isn't it....let's me digest each goal and see if it makes sense...
