Wednesday, March 11, 2009


Happiness - I guess I have been finding that for the past 6 months..hehehe...

Actually...what is my aim through blogging on Purusharthas??

True meaning of life?

Perhaps I should begin with the definition of Purusharthas.

Purusharthas according to shastra is Goals of Human Life...

The Hindu tradition defines to be Dharma (ethics), Artha (securities), Kama (pleasures) and Moksha (liberation) as to be the goals. These four basic pursuits can be further subdivided into two sets. The first set, consisting of the pursuit of Artha and Kama, is shared in common with other living beings. The second set, consisting of the pursuit in accordance to Dharma, and the pursuit of Moksha, is unique to humans. In Tamil, the four purusharthas are known as Aram, Porul, Inbam and Veedu as stated in the Tirukkural.

Interesting isn't it....let's me digest each goal and see if it makes sense...


Thursday, August 14, 2008

What is happiness?

This is first thing I ask myself when I took my lessons at Hindu Centre. How do you define happiness? Is acquiring money, gold, property brings happiness? It does isn't it? It is lie if you say "No'...I'm always happy with what I have. BUT how long? Everything constantly change around including our love ones......

Then sometimes back I read this article by Swami H.H. Swami Tejomayananda

Happiness is to be fully content, to be totally satisfied with oneself; something that is only possible once we have realised our true Self.

At a practical level:
1. To be happy is to not be swept away by desires and passions (Bhagavad Gîtâ).
2. We are happy when we have nothing to hide in our life (no skeletons in the closet!), when everything in our life is transparent and we don't fear any inspection or investigation.
3. To be happy is to be totally independent.
4. There is a happiness in serving others: but we experience it only when we don't consider others as "others", but as oneself.

I always tend to hear "True Self" in most of the books I read and also in Satsangs.... The meaning of "True Self" is indeed very deep and I realise that there is so much effort required to know the "True Self"

Everyone natuarally has desires and passions...even a swamiji who author books have desire to publish the it is right to say that "to be happy is to not be swept by desires and passions??"

We should be happy when we are transparents especially to our spouses but sometimes it is difficult due to the circumstances we are in..then how?? Are we making mistakes??

So my definition of happiness is still unclear..still searching but I found it...will share soon :-)

Tuesday, August 12, 2008

About this Blog

Finally...I managed to create another blog just devoted to Hinduism.

I always had many questions about life, the way one should live....HAPPINESS.

What is happiness? How can we define it? How can we live by it?

What is dharma? Are we really the victims of Karma? What is Moksha - wearing ocre robe?

There are many other questions run in the minds among us including myself.

Well...I thought I will use this oppurtunity to unlock my mind as well as others through the answer from Shastra and will keep as minimum not to bring in my own likes and dislikes